Why choose Laser Hair Removal in Midtown over waxing or shaving? Laser hair removal is an investment. Did you know that within 5-7 sessions (depending on the area) you can experience an 80-95% permanent reduction in hair growth? Not only does laser hair removal cut down on the amount of “beauty shower time” …but if you are someone who loves to travel, unwanted hair growth is one less thing to have to worry about, and a few less items to have to fit inside your suitcase.

The benefits of laser hair removal can last a lifetime. Unlike waxing or shaving you can avoid some of the side effects that come along with other conventional hair removal practices such as razor burn and ingrown hairs. In fact, laser hair removal is often used to help treat those who suffer from ingrown hairs. The laser works by generating enough heat to help eject the hair from the follicle and prevent it from getting trapped beneath the skin. Our lasers are safe and effective and can be used for treating all skin types. Unsure if you are a good candidate for laser hair removal? Just ask one of our specially trained staff and they would be more than happy to settle in for a one-on-one private consultation with you.

At our Midtown NYC med spa our team of knowledgeable staff work together to ensure your experience is comfortable and easy. From the ambient music, to our relaxing environment and beautiful décor you are sure to feel at home here at Skin Deep NYC. Our team of experts have worked in the beauty industry for well over 10 years and together make a skilled team of registered nurses, skin care professionals and beauty consultants ready to answer any questions you may have and help bring out an even more confident you.